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Lithuania is a small country on the Baltic Sea that extends for over 65, km2. There are no mountains, and its physical features are mostly plains and forests. People here live relatively far apart, as there are only 52 inhabitants for 1 km2. In Lithuania people still speak an ancient language that skausmas alkūnė fresheva kairėje rankoje similar to Latin and Sanskrit.

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Antoine Meillet, who was one of the most distinguished French linguists of the 20th century once said, that if you want to listen to how the ancient Indo-Europeans spoke, then you should visit a Lithuanian village and listen to the language of Lithuanian peasants.

Lithuanian is indeed a very archaic language, especially its grammar and vocabulary. Like other languages, there are a number of kinds of Lithuanian, which are used by people of different social backgrounds and ages. However, the greatest differences can be found in the various dialects of Lithuanian. Linguists have divided them into two main dialects, which are Aukštaitian and Žemaitian, and numerous sub-dialects, which are still spoken.

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If an Aukštaitian from a rural area spoke to a Žemaitian from a rural area, they would have difficulties in understanding one another unless they used standard Lithuanian. The Aukštaitian and Žemaitian dialects, which are the main dialects, do not have many linguistic similarities, so speakers are unable to understand each other.

Though Lithuanian itself is ancient, standard Lithuanian was developed rather recently, a little more than years ago.

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It is based on the Western Aukštaitian dialect. After the First World War with the establishment of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian was recognized as the official state xii language for the first time in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.

During the Soviet period, Lithuanian was pushed out of the public sphere, in areas such as transport, administration, industry, the police, etc. Russian began to dominate in these as well as other areas. After the regaining of independence inLithuanian returned de jure and de facto to the public sphere, and is protected by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and the Law on the State Language.

There are approximately 3 million Lithuanians in Lithuania, for whom Lithuanian is the mother tongue.

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Most of the inhabitants of other ethnicities in Lithuania know and use Lithuanian as a second language and for official matters. They speak Lithuanian in official situations, at work, and learn it at school. Lithuanian is the main language of institutions of higher education and universities.

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Approximately skausmas alkūnė fresheva kairėje rankoje million Lithuanians live abroad. There are a number of Lithuanians living in Poland and Belarus who live in towns and villages near the border that have been inhabited by Lithuanians for centuries and who still speak Lithuanian, though they are citizens of other countries.

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You can also find Lithuanian schools there. A number of Lithuanians emigrated to other countries at different times. Most of them know Lithuanian and teach Lithuanian to their children. Foreigners learn Lithuanian as a foreign language in both Lithuania and abroad. More than three bold jungtys hucks people of various ages eager to learn Lithuanian take part in Lithuanian language courses at Vilnius University. There are Lithuanian language courses for foreigners at Vytautus Magnus University in Kaunas, Klaipėda University and other universities in Lithuania, and at various language schools and centres.

As Lithuanian is one of the most skausmas alkūnė fresheva kairėje rankoje Indo-European languages, it is taught in various universities all over the world, for example in Seattle and in Illinois in the US, Helsinki, Greifswald, Warsaw, Paris, Budapest, Only got five minutes?

Linguists all sąnarių sustingimas kad the world are interested in Lithuanian, along with scientists, artists, businessmen and skausmas alkūnė fresheva kairėje rankoje, and people from other fields in various countries that learn and use Lithuanian as a means of communication.

The Lithuanian alphabet consists of 32 letters based on the Latin alphabet.

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  • Turbūt šis jo posakis atspindi tūlą lietuvišką virtuvę, nors aš nesutikčiau, kad lietuviai prėską maistą valgo.

It is easiest to learn how to read Lithuanian, because each letter equals one sound. Stress is also free in Lithuanian, which may make it difficult to learn where to put the stress, because there are trauminio artrozė gydymas number of types of stress, and these different kinds of stress can change the meaning.

Lithuanian nouns have two genders, seven cases, which are different depending on whether they are in the singular or in the plural. They have different endings, which are sometimes very similar which make them difficult to remember. In addition, there are a number of different types of nouns, the declension of which is different.

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Lithuanian verbs have two aspects, two voices, three moods, four simple and several compound tenses, three persons, many participles and some other specific forms. Despite the difficulties, you can certainly learn Lithuanian.

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There are many foreigners who have learnt Lithuanian by attending various courses or studying independently, and can speak Lithuanian in everyday situations, and there are some who even write books or other works in Lithuanian. This book is a complete course for beginners in spoken and written Lithuanian.

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It has been written for you to use on your own in order to learn how to communicate in Lithuanian independently in everyday life. We wanted to write this book in such a way that it would not be difficult to study for a person who is not especially interested in grammar and linguistic matters or who does not necessarily know linguistic terminology.

We have tried to use linguistic terms as little as possible. In our language, endings and grammatical models are the main elements of the language in which we communicate.

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Therefore, there will be quite a lot of grammatical constructions in this book too, starting at the very first unit. Our warmest thanks go to: Rūta Buivydienė for putting the accent marks in the dictionaries; Jogile Ramonaitė for her help with the manuscript; our colleagues Lina Blauzdavičiūtė, Irena Raščiuvienė and Aurelija Kaškelevičienė for the consultations; Irmina Dūdėnienė for the cheerful drawings in the book; Ainė Ramonaitė, Eugenijus Stumbrys, Arūnas Šiurkus and Donatas Tarasevičius for the photos.

We also thank everyone who has contributed to the preparation and publication of this book. Introduction xv The Lithuanian language Lithuanian is one of the oldest living Indo-European languages and it has retained many archaic linguistic features that are also characteristic of Latin and Sanskrit.

It has preserved its ancient system of sounds and most of its grammatical features and continues to use a significant number of old words.

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That is why linguists interested in Indo-European languages want to learn it. Lithuanian is one of two Baltic languages of the Indo-European family, the other being Latvian.

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But Lithuanians cannot communicate with Latvians when each talks his own language if they have not studied it, unlike, say, Swedes, Skausmas alkūnė fresheva kairėje rankoje and Danes. Standard Lithuanian is about years old, which makes it relatively young, and it is the only state language of the Lithuanian Republic.

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